Just a Mom by Lexy

{Tritia age 5}

So excited that my mom will be writing several posts a month about our relationship and encouraging all of us out there who are moms!!

GUEST WRITER:  Alexis Burns ( My MOM)

Look at her, from the age of five or earlier she had a flair for fashion. She loved dress up and designing outfits for her Barbie's to model. Her favorite purchase was tissue paper. She could spend hours cutting designs out and displaying them for me to see. 

We always talked about someday working together in our own store. Her dad would always say that it would happen one day. When Tritia married a boy from Houston after college, I thought for sure that dream was over. I didn't know then that she would move back in 4 years and we would begin the adventure. Her career led us to children's interior design instead of fashion which was surprising by exciting!

We began to plan the store eight hour a day for six months. I will always treasure those hours of decisions and excitement. We laughed, we prayed, and we developed what later became Beach Bungalow Designs.

It is really a mothers joy to see her child not only be gifted in a exceptionally creative way but to watch her be so caring towards her clients. Tritia's true gift is giving to others through her talent. I have watched in amazement at her strength of character and willingness to serve others. Yes, it is her business, but her purpose is far beyond monetary.  She thrives on creation but loves spending hours talking to pregnant moms making them feel like they will succeed with their children.

I don't know what more a mother could ask for... and I have the privilege of  watching each day....

Special thanks to my mom for sharing her thoughts on our relationship. Its so special to be able to work with your best friend everyday and her help is irreplaceable. I'm so thankful! Many more fun posts from Lexy to come!!


MOT said...

I love this! So sweet!

Discovery Street said...

:) gotta love your mom!

Unknown said...

Friend, this is so sweet!!!! Alexis, I totally cried when I read this!!!! So Awesome!!!!

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